Period covered by this Final Report: 21 October 2012 to 15 June 2013;
Appeal target (current): CHF 775,716.
Appeal coverage: 58%;
Appeal history:
· Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF): CHF 125,920 was initially allocated on 11 September, 2012 to support the National Society in delivering immediate assistance to 11,770 beneficiaries.
· The Emergency Appeal was launched on 21 October, 2012 for CHF 775,716 to support the Red Cross of Chad (RCC) to assist 4,400 households(30,800 beneficiaries) for six months
· Operations Update n° 1 was published on 10 December, 2012 and provided information about activities implemented within the timeframe of DREF
· Operation Update n°2 was published on March 1 2013 and provided information about the distribution of NFIs and the effective launch of activities within the timeframe of the DG ECHO partnership
· Operation Update n° 3 was on 11 April, 2013 to enable a timeframe extension in order to achieve expected results.
Summary: This Emergency Appeal enabled RCC to support 49,000 households affected by serious flooding to receive humanitarian assistance in accordance with international agreed standards. The first implemented activities were through the DREF allocation that enabled provision of relief items to 2,354 families (11,770 beneficiaries) in Rig Rig, Mangalmé and Goz Beida areas. Training of 75 volunteers was done followed by awareness raising sessions on water borne diseases and hygiene promotion reaching 3,109 families. The volunteers also distributed kits including detergents to 50 most vulnerable families highly exposed to waterborne diseases in Mangalme area. These items were distributed from the NS emergency stock and later replenished by the IFRC country office.
In the capital N’Djamena, 10 emergency latrines were constructed for use by over 700 people displaced by the overflow of the Chari River. Volunteers from the urban committee of the capital worked and supported non Movement partners such as UNICEF in the installation of temporary camps, distribution of non-food items (NFIs), camp management as well as in hygiene promotion activities. This move was replicated in all affected areas where NGOs and government regularly requested support from RCC branches to reduce the effects of flooding on the affected persons.
The IFRC Chad country office coordinated the response activities and advocated with local partners to promote the role of the National Society in the humanitarian response. This move enabled the NS to secure financial support from the DG ECHO thereby increasing funding for the appeal.
Funds secured from DG ECHO targeted affected families in the southern town of Bongor and its surroundings. A total of 3,160 families in 12 targeted sites received NFIs composed of mosquito nets, plastics mats, buckets, jerry cans and soap. A total of 200 families displaced by the flood and relocated in a safe area, had been supported to build their own shelters and latrines through the provision of slabs, bricks and tools. 200 volunteers (116 men and 84 women) were selected within the affected community and trained on distribution, WatSan, and epidemiological surveillance techniques. These volunteers supported the implementation of planned activities of this appeal. The operation was implemented under the supervision of two RDRTs in the field and an Operations Manager based in the capital N’Djamena.
The earmarked fund received from the Swiss RC enabled the procurement of tarpaulins, laths, rafters, bricks, nails and other tools to support the 200 households that were in need of shelter. These families used to live in a flood prone area. Through the RCC advocacy initiative, the local authorities relocated them in a safe zone and gave them official papers. Services from the municipality were brought in to support this new settlement area. The International Organisation for Migration provided beneficiaries with a hand operated water pump. The RCC and the IFRC installed a mill (not procured with the emergency appeal fund) within the neighbourhood to reduce the burden of women and girl who travel around four miles before reaching the town of Bongor to grind cereals. An exit strategy was put in place through the setting up of a local management committee composed of local men and women and supervised by volunteers from the local branch of the NS.
At the launch of the emergency appeal, initial activities in the DREF operation were omitted in the Emergency Appeal, but this has since been rectified.
Financial summary: Out of the total appeal budget of CHF 775,716, a total of CHF 447,035 was received representing 58 percent coverage. The appeal timeframe was extended for 45 days to enable the implementation of planned activities but this extension did not affect the budget which remained intact. Due to the extension and additional efforts to implement the operation, under-budgeted lines for IFRC national staff and NS staff have been overspent. Training and workshops was under-budgeted and overrun with CHF11,581. Since no shared office and service costs were budgeted for the in-country staff, an over-expenditure also occurred. An over rum of CHF 32,918 on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene promotion occurred due to budgeting of latrine construction under construction materials.